Saturday, May 3, 2008

Prom 2008 - Texas Style

Well, the big night arrived Thomas' Prom. Us Hoosiers got to experience the way they do prom down here. Back home, the big deal is where you have the prom and how big of "after prom" you have.

Texas does not think that way. No Sir. Here it is not where the prom is because they have their prom in their high school gym.... imagine that... that would save money. Second prom is not about what you wear, it is about what you arrive in.Enjoy the pictures of the prom arrival parade us simple Hoosiers got to experience. It will take a while - so have some patience it is worth it.


spookyrach said...

Love it! Hope Tom had a good time!

Anonymous said...

OMG - Thomas got a haircut.